What is the ACE program for Swimming Pool Contractors
We have connected over 500,000 pool customers with thousands of local pool contractors for free swimming pool estimates and information. About 150,000 of these customers have built a pool. About 200,000 of these customers are still considering a pool. One of the top 3 reasons they tell us that they have not purchased a pool yet is because “they have not gotten an estimate” or “did not get ‘follow up’ from the pool contractor.”
Pool Customers want to talk to you
The first thing to realize is that even if the customer does not reach out to you, they want you to reach them. When we ask customers, almost all of them ‘appreciate all of pool contractor efforts’ to reach them and some even acknowledge that they have been difficult to reach. The single most important thing you need to do is make actual contact with the pool customer.
Once you talk to a customer on the phone, or share text/emails with the pool customer, you build your business network and increase your chances to build more pools. We designed our ACE follow up process to help you connect with as many pool customer as possible.
Crafting your messaging to pool customers is key to reach them
The ACE program is about crafting and timing your communication with the customer. By carefully crafting your messaging you may increase your prospect to customer contact rate by over 100%. Similar programs used by Fortune 500 companies have also reported this level of success. So we know that you can use this program to get more sales.
Connecting with pool customers is a two way street
In addition to refining your follow up process, With the ACE system, we make sure that our pool customers actively know about you. We message the pool customer right away via email and social media to let them know about your company and how to contact you. Also, our phone and email confirmation team will pitch your company directly to our pool customers on the phone.
The ACE program is absolutely free for Swimming Pool Quotes pool builders. For more information contact me directly or complete our pool builder information request form.
Jeremy Gold
VP, Business Development
(510) 332-8116 – mobile

The ACE program for Swimming Pool Pros is all about being in the right place at the right time to reach your customers.