good phone call to a pool customer
Since 2004 Swimming Pool Quotes has connected over 500,000 pool customers with local pool pros for free swimming pool estimates, quotes and information. In that same time we have worked with thousands of pool contractors. We have learned a few very important lessons on connecting pool customers with pool contractors.
Most pool customers and pool contractors are hard to reach. The way to connect with pool customers in changing fast thanks for the internet and social media. It is important for both the pool contractor and pool customer to reach out quickly and often with as many tools as you have in your arsenal. You need to have lots of places where customers can leave you messages.
(1) Make sure that your website is a great experience for customers to leave you messages and make sure that it looks good on mobile. Almost 50% of web traffic is now mobile, if your website is not optimized for mobile it is not working.
(2) Send emails and make a call as soon as you can. Then make sure that you have a process set up for follow up emails and calls over the next 1-3 weeks, then every month or so. The Swimming Pool Quotes team will help you design a winning follow up campaign.
(2) Make sure that you have at least some presence on the social web. These are the most important in order.
- A Facebook profile. This is important because, well just about everyone is one Facebook and Facebook profiles are starting to show up in more and more search results.
- A facebook page, this is similar to a Facebook profile but is optimized for causal visitors to ‘like’ and share your page. Down the road have a good Facebook page will make it easier for you to reach out to past prospects.
- Youtube – People love video and people love you tube. If you have any video you should set up a you tube channel and set it out there. It is not doing anyone any good sitting on your phone.
- Pinterest is about pictures and getting a pool is about pictures. You should post as many of your pictures on pinterest as possible.
- Tumblr is a blog (like this thing you are reading now). Like pinterest, tumblr is a lot about pictures.
- Twitter is like emailing but to a lot of people at once and only with 140 characters. Eventually, Twitter might be number 1 on this list, For now there are just not that many pool customers actively on the service.
- Google plus is like Facebook only run by the most important company online, Google. While not a lot of people use Google plus directly, Google is working on that and doing lots of things that will continue to make Google plus more important.